February 20, 2009

Provide Ambulances and Trauma Vans On the Jalandhar - Nakodar- Jagraon Highway

The bus accident near Lambra ( Jalandhar ) which led to the tragic death of two CT Institute students has , again, shown that Jalandhar- Nakodar- Jagraon highway is very accident prone.

After the construction of the high level bridge on Sutlej at village Sangewal between Jagraon and Nakodar, the entire highway between Jalandhar- Nakodar- Jagraon has increased manifold . As this road is is merely two lane and with so many villages en route, it has become very accident prone.

Nakodar Jagraon section is , now a toll road . The toll contractors M/s Rajdeep are providing ambulance services and trauma vans. But Jalandhar- Nakodar section, which is the most accident prone road is without this facility. Ambulance services should be , immediately , arranged here.

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