January 24, 2011

East India Company - World 's Pioneer Drug Trafficking Syndicate ?

Jalandhar thinkers and historians have expressed the view that East India Company 's rule in India should be interpreted as that of modern world's pioneering drug trafficking syndicate . This criminal activity was done as a matter of state mafia  as East India company was the ruling state authority.

The modus operandi of East India Company was that farmers in Bengal and Bihar ( Bengal Presidency ) were forced to grow opium . This was purchased by the East India Company and its agents at very low rates and then shipped to China.The  majority of  Chinese population  was made drug addicts. Opium Wars were fought with the Chinese to further the   drug trade of East India Company .

To pay for the Indian opium , Chinese silver ( especially Chinese silver coins ) were taken from China. These were melted in to Indian silver rupee coins   at a great profit margin. ( Indian silver rupee  coin weighed around 11 grammes and the Chinese silver was acquired by the East India company at much lower rate ).


It is very gratifying to note tat the East India Company which once ruled India and large parts of Asia and Africa has been acquired by an Indian .


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