Crude Oil prices in the World Markets have fallen sharply in recent times. Petrol consumers were expecting a cut back in petrol prices.
Instead petrol prices are being raised by around Rs. 3 / 25 p per litre.
Petrol in Punjab was already around Rs. 7 higher than in neighbouring state of Haryana , although petrol in both states is sourced from same set of refineries.
For petrol consumers it ia a case of Double Whammy.
Petrol consumers in Jalandhar are demanding an immediate reduction of State duties like VAT to Haryana level . Petrol rate in Punjab should be at the same rate as in Haryana.
(World wide prices of Petrol and Diesel are nearly same. In India Vote Bank politics make the price of petrol nearly double that of diesel . Petrol is mainly used by common men in two wheeler scooters and motor cycles )

Petrol prices have been increased again. If crude prices go up it is logical that prices all petroleum products have to increase.
But what cannot be justified is that the entire burden of crude price hike has been put on petrol which is consumed mainly by Urban Punjabis . Diesel prices have been left unchanged.Once again , politically orphan Urban Punjabis ( who are no party's Vote Bank ) would be made to pay for the diesel consumed by the vote bank of those in Power in Punjab.
Urban Punjabis are fed up with this blatant Government discrimination.
They want
Petrol prices in Punjab should be the same as in Haryana
( Even after today's hike petrol in Haryana is @ Rs. 58 / 65 compared to Rs. 65 / 07 in Punjab ) . Petrol in both states is sourced from the same refineries.
Petrol and diesel should not be differentiated with while raising prices.
Toll Plazas should bring down toll rates by 75 %.
If free electricity can be given to super rich rural landlords then it , surely can be given to all Punjabis . ( Penal category of Commercial Category extracted from Urban Punjabi business men , mainly landless shop keepers and Octroi on electricity should be abolished forthwith )
Physically Handicapped should be given deemed SC / ST status as they are , truly and defacto , the weaker sections of society, Free electricity and free petrol should be given to Physically Handicapped .
Petrol consumers in Jalandhar and rest of Punjab are opposed to any hike in Petrol prices ( Rs. 5 + from 14-05-11 midnight ).
Petrol consumers in Punjab point out that already petrol in Punjab is nearly Rs. 7 costlier than in neighbouring Haryana . It is substantially cheaper in Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh .
State duties in Punjab should be reduced instead of raising the petrol price.
Cross subsidies should be stopped and relief should given to Urban Punjabis who have been recently hit hard by Electricity Rate Hike.
Instead petrol prices are being raised by around Rs. 3 / 25 p per litre.
Petrol in Punjab was already around Rs. 7 higher than in neighbouring state of Haryana , although petrol in both states is sourced from same set of refineries.
For petrol consumers it ia a case of Double Whammy.
Petrol consumers in Jalandhar are demanding an immediate reduction of State duties like VAT to Haryana level . Petrol rate in Punjab should be at the same rate as in Haryana.
(World wide prices of Petrol and Diesel are nearly same. In India Vote Bank politics make the price of petrol nearly double that of diesel . Petrol is mainly used by common men in two wheeler scooters and motor cycles )

January 16, 2011
Petrol Price Hiked - Diesel Left Untouched - Urban Punjabis Deeply Hurt
Urban Punjabis of Jalandhar and else where feel enough is enough and that " JAZIA " and vote bank torture should end.Petrol prices have been increased again. If crude prices go up it is logical that prices all petroleum products have to increase.
But what cannot be justified is that the entire burden of crude price hike has been put on petrol which is consumed mainly by Urban Punjabis . Diesel prices have been left unchanged.Once again , politically orphan Urban Punjabis ( who are no party's Vote Bank ) would be made to pay for the diesel consumed by the vote bank of those in Power in Punjab.
Urban Punjabis are fed up with this blatant Government discrimination.
They want
Petrol prices in Punjab should be the same as in Haryana
( Even after today's hike petrol in Haryana is @ Rs. 58 / 65 compared to Rs. 65 / 07 in Punjab ) . Petrol in both states is sourced from the same refineries.
Petrol and diesel should not be differentiated with while raising prices.
Toll Plazas should bring down toll rates by 75 %.
If free electricity can be given to super rich rural landlords then it , surely can be given to all Punjabis . ( Penal category of Commercial Category extracted from Urban Punjabi business men , mainly landless shop keepers and Octroi on electricity should be abolished forthwith )
Physically Handicapped should be given deemed SC / ST status as they are , truly and defacto , the weaker sections of society, Free electricity and free petrol should be given to Physically Handicapped .
Petrol consumers in Jalandhar and rest of Punjab are opposed to any hike in Petrol prices ( Rs. 5 + from 14-05-11 midnight ).
Petrol consumers in Punjab point out that already petrol in Punjab is nearly Rs. 7 costlier than in neighbouring Haryana . It is substantially cheaper in Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh .
State duties in Punjab should be reduced instead of raising the petrol price.
Cross subsidies should be stopped and relief should given to Urban Punjabis who have been recently hit hard by Electricity Rate Hike.
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