November 24, 2009

Auto Rickshaw Strike ( 23-11-09 ) in Jalandhar-Authorities Should Take Sympathetic Attitude

On 23-011-09, auto rickshaw (I three wheelers ) operators of Jalandhar observed a strike. They were protesting against the uncooperative attitude of the administration , including traffic police.

Authorities should act facilitators and not as ones who obstruct. A positive spirit is required. We should shed the hang over of colonial mindset of exploitation of common man.

Three wheelers are desperately required because of inadequacy of a public transport system.

Transport sector continues to be over regulated.Those running commercial vehicles should be offered all help by the authorities, including traffic police.

Days of "INSPECTOR- QUOTA RAJ " are over. Transport sectors should be freed from bureaucratic and political shackles. Permit system should be abolished. Let market forces prevail.

Strict action should be taken against any one found harassing drivers / vehicle owners.

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